Judd Ranch

Judd Ranch 47th Gelbvieh, Balancer, and
Red Angus Bull Sale

Saturday, March 1, 2025



LIVE BROADCAST at www.liveauctions.tv

Make plans to attend the 47th Judd Ranch bull sale at noon on Saturday, March 1, 2025.  Approximately 308 Gelbvieh, Balancer, and Red Angus bulls will sell. 

If you would like a catalog mailed to you, click here to submit your contact information. If you are unable to attend the sale, the sale will be broadcast live at www.liveauctions.tv where live bidding is available.  If you plan to bid online, please register for a buyer number at least 24 hours prior to the auction.

 If you prefer to leave a phone bid in advance of the auction, contact Roger Gatz at 800-743-0026 to inquire about our sight unseen program.

For another remote bidding option, we will offer a teleconference line on sale day.  Bidders can call the conference line on sale day and bid in real time through our representative who will assist you over the phone.  In order to use this service, please call Ashley Judd at 785-248-6005 or Ginger Judd at 785-229-9266 to get a bidder number by Friday, February 28.  We will then provide you with the teleconference line number and further instructions.

If you buy a bull remotely, you should receive an invoice within 7-10 business days.  We will contact you about shipping, but it may be several days after the sale before we have shipping arrangements finalized.  


located in Ottawa, about 10 miles east of the ranch

Comfort Inn: 785-242-6150
Holiday Inn Express: 785-521-7009 
Best Western: 785-242-2224 
Econolodge: 785-242-3400 
Super 8: 785-242-5551

2025 Sale Stats

Listed below are statistics for the 2025 bull sale offering.  Rest assured, calving ease is bred in these bulls, as the 71 purebred Gelbvieh fall bulls feature top 20% calving ease EPD strength and the 124 Balancer fall bulls are in the top 20%.  The 29 spring Gelbvieh bulls feature top 10% calving ease EPD strength and the 77 spring Balancer bulls are in the top 25%.    

195 Fall Born 17-19 Month Old Bulls 

Averages of the Fall-Born Bulls 

Birth Weight . . . 82#
205 Day Weight . . .756#
Actual Weaning Weight . . .931#
365 Day Weight . . .1,170#
Yearling Frame . . .5.6
Yearling Pelvic . . .179 cm
Yearling Scrotal . . .37.6 cm
Average Daily Gain . . .4.17#
Yearling Ribeye . . . 13.5
Yearling Rib Fat . . . 0.18
Yearling IMF . . . 3.2  

113 Spring Born 13-14 Month Old Bulls

Averages of the Spring-Born Bulls  

Birth Weight . . . 85#
205 Day Weight . . . 751#
Actual Weaning Weight . . . 848#
365 Day Weight . . . 1,222#
Yearling Frame . . . 5.6
Yearling Pelvic . . . 176 cm
Yearling Scrotal . . . 37.8 cm
Average Daily Gain . . . 3.43#
Yearling Ribeye . . . 14.5
Yearling Rib Fat . . . 0.27
Yearling IMF . . . 3.5

Additional Statistics of Fall Bulls 

100% . . .JR DOM Cow Families (GV and Bal)
100%. . . Polled
189 . . .Homozygous Polled
149. . . Black & Polled
47 Black Polled Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls
24 Red Polled Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls
102 Black Polled Balancer Bulls
22 Red Polled Balancer Bulls

Additional Statistics of Spring Bulls 

100% JR DOM Cow Families (GV and Bal)
100% Polled
107 . . . Homozygous Polled
86 . . . Black & Polled
10 Black Polled Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls
14 Red Polled Purebred Gelbvieh Bulls
76 Black Polled Balancer Bulls
9 Red Polled Balancer Bulls
4 Purebred Red Angus Bulls

Sires of Fall-Born Bulls 

JRI General Patton - 55
JRI Relentless - 38
JRI Trade Secret - 21
JRI Optimizer - 10
JRI Prescribed Remedy - 8
JRI Alan - 5
JRI Bandito - 4
JRI Secret Instinct - 3
JRI Made In The USA - 5
JRI Marshall - 7
JRI Real McCoy - 2
Capitol Hill - 1
JRI Secret Sensation - 1
JRI Pop A Top 2 ETN - 2
JRI Senator - 2
JRI Prevail - 2
Hannibal - 2
Deer Valley Growth Fund - 9
SAV Rainfall 6846 - 12
Basin Payweight 1682 - 5
Payweight Plus 6048 - 1

Sires of Spring-Born Bulls  

JRI Relentless - 39
JRI General Patton - 24
JRI Trade Secret - 4
JRI Prescribed Remedy - 3
JRI Made In The USA - 9
JRI Real McCoy - 1
JRI Bandito - 3
JRI Alan - 4
JRI Secret Instinct 2 ETN - 1
JRI Marshall - 1
JRI Senator - 3
JRI Prevail - 1
Happy Hour - 2
Seminole Wind - 1
Basin Payweight 1682 - 6
Deer Valley Growth Fund - 2
SAV Rainfall 6846 - 2
SAV Renovation 6822 - 2
Bieber CH Energizer F121 - 4
Duff Red Blood 18114 (RA) - 1

Parallel Interests